Monday, March 08, 2010

School Choice Yearbook

Here's a link to the just-released School Choice Yearbook.  Check out the pages that show myths vs. realities and the data on student gains:

We want you to be the first to know that the Alliance for School Choice will launch our 2009-10 School Choice Yearbook today. We hope you'll join us in celebrating the successes of school voucher programs and scholarship tax credit programs by downloading your advance copy of the Yearbook this morning and by putting it to good use!

Please, tell friends your friends about the 
Yearbook, blog about it, Tweet about it, and post it to Facebook. The link to use is:

Fighting for Opportunity, the Yearbook is the nation's leading digest of facts, statistics, and trend data regarding America's 18 private school choice programs. 

The Yearbook is filled with everything you need to know about the modern school choice movement, with a specific focus on events and activities in 2009 and 2010. For example:

·         Despite the worst economic climate in decades, funding for school voucher and scholarship tax credit programs increased by $29 million this year, and student enrollment is up by 5 percent, to nearly 180,000. 

·         There are 11 states (plus D.C.) offering either school voucher programs or scholarship tax credit programs, and five of these programs are designed specifically to help students with special needs.

·         Florida has more students enrolled in school choice programs than any other state in the country (46,900 students).

·         Indiana is the newest state to add a school choice program, a $2.5 million corporate and individual scholarship tax credit program that will begin serving students in 2010.

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