Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ed Group Going Up With Race To The Top Ad »

DFER and ERN are extremely active in New York, and are even running TV and radio spots!  Click here to watch the TV ad: www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypolitics/2010/04/-watch.html


Here's the article about it:


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Ed Group Going Up With Race To The Top Ad »

A coalition of education groups is throwing some cash into their second-round hopes of scoring Race To The Top cash.

New York came in an embarrassing 15th out of 16 in the scramble for for federal cash to help out underperforming schools.

Education Reform Now is going up with a 30-second spot stressing the urgency of dealing with issues like raising the cap on charter schools, an idea bucked by the powerful teachers union.

The second-round RTTT deadline is June 1.

"Passing common-sense reforms like lifting New York's charter cap and demanding teacher accountability in the classroom would provide a win-win for the state, vastly improving our bid for $700 million and helping to lift academic achievement for New York's school children," said Joe Williams, Executive Director of Education Reform Now.

The review of the state and city systems, including on issues like tracking student performance, had spurred some to question whether the city might be better off ditching the rest of the state and going it alone.

The ad begins airing upstate today and in the city tomorrow.

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