Monday, December 17, 2012

UK Teachers' Raises to be Based on Performance

I was excited when I saw the headline – but then read that this news is from the UK (where there’s a ton of reform going on):

Teachers will no longer receive increases based on length of service - but instead there will be a stronger link to performance, says the profession's pay review body.

The School Teachers' Review Body says pay increases in England and Wales should be based on annual appraisals.

Education Secretary Michael Gove welcomed the "greater flexibility".

The idea has been attacked by teachers' unions, with one saying it would be "a disaster for children's education".

But head teachers' leader Russell Hobby said it was a "reasonable balance" and welcomed the rejection of regional pay.

The pay deal will mean that there will no longer be annual pay rises based on years of service - but instead rises will depend on performance.

As happens already with senior staff, this progression through the pay scale will depend on annual appraisals.

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