Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Six Days of School, and Then a Day Not of Rest

A nice profile of Dave Levin and his family (with a great photo!) in yesterday's NYT:

David Levin, 40, co-founder of the celebrated KIPP charter school network and superintendent of KIPP's New York City schools, works 75 to 90 hours a week training teachers, raising money and shuttling among six schools. Even Mr. Levin's Saturdays tend to be consumed by KIPP, which stands for Knowledge Is Power Program. Sundays, though, are reserved for his wife, Nikki Chase-Levin, 38, a marketing consultant (they met speed-dating) and their 15-month-old son, Max. The family lives on the Upper West Side.


UP WITH THE MONITOR We're up at 7. Max has a monitor, and we hear him. It's actually a video monitor, which sounds like a really geeky thing, but it's awesome for new parents. We usually bring Max into our bed for a little bit and play with him and the dog. We have a 5-year-old shiba inu named Athena.

MORNING BEVERAGE Just a glass of water. I don't think people think I need caffeine. I have enough energy.

OFF TO CHURCH Two or so Sundays a month, we are at church. My wife is an M.C. — think about it like the stage manager — at the Church of the Holy Trinity, on 88th Street between First and Second. The sermons are always interesting, and it's really important to us that the whole family feels comfortable in the Judeo-Christian tradition. When Nikki and I got married, we were a very politically incorrect joke: a black woman, a Jewish guy, a rabbi and a priest were on a beach....


Sunday Routine | David Levin

Six Days of School, and Then a Day Not of Rest



Published: May 6, 2010


David Levin, 40, co-founder of the celebrated KIPP charter

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